Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas! (again!)

Christmas was great here in San Pedro. It was a two day extravaganza involving big meals, relaxing, laughing, fireworks by the water and in the streets, and a cup that runneth over...

Andrea, Chris and I did stockings. If you look under Andrea's Christmas tree, you can see our three stockings on the right. In my stocking I got a package of gum, a mandarine orange, cough drops, used lipbalm, some ¨rubbish¨, a few starbursts, and a key chain. Not bad, huh?
I gave candybars, worrydolls, antibacterial wipes, little drink mixes, a few Sudoku puzzles, and I think that's it.
The three of us had a mimosa brunch at Alegre Pub with about 15 other people...many who we had already met. It was a great time, the food was good, the company was good.
After brunch I went for a siesta, and then Christmas dinner started back at Alegre at about 6:00. It was an enormous plate of food which I could hardly put a dent in, but the wine went down easy.
After dinner, we shot off fireworks. There was probably a crowd of 10 or 15. We went down by the lake and took turns shooting off little ones and ¨big¨ones. It was a good time.
Most of us headed back to Alegre for a couple more, and I ended up calling it an early night.
Today has been very, VERY, lazy...but it is the day after Christmas after all!


Bubba said...

Hey Mo! Glad you had a good Christmas day! We missed you at Chelsea's house on Wednesday, but I'm glad you called. It was great to talk to you! We had a fun day...the kids played good and we were even able to actually sit at the table and visit after the meal. Unfortunately, Reeve has been sick for about 5 days - first a fever, then diarreah and now a cough! Poor guy! So, we've been low key. We did go to the movies with all three kids yesterday which was nice. We had a great Christmas day and mom came over with Duane. We ate grilled cheese sandwiches!! It was great. Braden leaves today to head back to LA. And we are going to the "Winter Frostacular" at the Broomfield event center...just a bunch of stuff for the kids to do I think.

Your pictures are great...its nice to see them on the blog, too. What a nice looking beach! Is the water warm? I like the bungalow with the pool!

Well, what's next in 2009? Any resolutions for the New Year? What are you going to do for New Year's Eve?

Glad you are doing well! I miss you!


PS - we set radishes on the table at Chelsea's in your honor and we drank a Gluwein toast to you before we all went home.

Jennifer June Strawn said...

Happy New Year, Mo! I love you and I miss you! Wish I could come visit you in Guatemala!!! Love, Squirt

Anonymous said...

Hi Mo, You seem to be having a blast!! We all miss you and did you know mom wants to buy a new house and get a DOG!!! She is going insane I think. Chance has to get another tooth pulled so he will have, like none! Presley is growing boos now... Just joking, she is great and I finally met a great girlfriend!!! Yea me. I love you Mo.

Anonymous said...

I meant Boobs! not boos.. You should also find that grumpy old lady and slip her some EX-LAX... that will cut her attitude and pool time down a bit!! Im laughing right now, gotta go pee!

Rory said...

Hi Mo! I'm so glad you had such a rockin' Christmas. We miss you tons, but I'm so thrilled that you are LIVING LIFE LARGE!!! And the pictures are GREAT. Keep 'em coming. I love being able to hear about your adventures . . . Love, Rory

Bubba said...

Hey Mo, where are you? I think mom said Honduras, but on your way to El Salvador? What have you been up to?

This morning I had the following conversation with Ridge:
Ry - "Ridge, did you sleep good?
Ridge - "Yes I did."
Ry - "Did you have any dreams?"
Ridge - "I dreamed of God and Mary"
Ry - "Really!...what did God say"
Ridge - "I got poopie pants"

Thought you would like that.

Well, things are good here. Miss you!

Love, Bubba