I've made a few traveler-friends while I've been in Guatemala. Most of us have been traveling in and around Guatemala for the past few weeks, and it looks like we are all going to meet in San Pedro for Christmas...a place that everyone, including me, really seems to enjoy. Nick-the-Brit will be here and Andrea from Golden, Chris-the-Australian.
Anyway, I finally made it to Monterrico which was my original planned destination. I spent about a week there with an Australian travler, and we met up with two American guys in there mid-20s traveling that we shared a bungalow with on the beach.
We got to know a couple of "amigas" who were ten and twelve - Erica and Selena. They were best friends and basically knew each other since birth. Their families owned restaurants, and they were always trying to usher us in to their restaurant. We ate at their restaurant several times, and my Spanish is at a level where I could chit-chat with them a little bit.
They were fascinated by Chris the Australian, who is blonde haired and blue eyed and who also has quite a bit of blonde forearm hair. Several times the girls sneaked a quick tug at his arm hair or neck hair and shyed away and laughed. They told me secrets "that were just for women." It was pretty amusing.
We set off fireworks with them one night as well. It attracted a crowd of kids, and we all had a great time. At Christmastime apparently, everyone here sets off fireworks...including us!
After the American guys moved on, we moved over to another hotel with an awesome pool, and I basically spent 4 or 5 days just relaxing by the pool, drinking beers, having a dip in the pool, another beer... There was also a tree pruned like a chicken. How bout that?!
There were some nice people staying there and one not so nice German lady that we liked to call Inga-bitch. Her name was Ingaborg. She was probably in her late 50s, early 60s and had definitely spent too much time in the sun. She seemed to hate us everyone and everything- music, conversation, smiling, laughing. What the hell is she doing on vacation?!
Jon introduced us to a group of Canadians who had driven a caravan all the way down from Canada with a stop at Burning Man. They were probabaly in their early 50s. They were a lot of fun.
A group of about 10 of us went to the local cirus, which was fairly bizarre, but entertaining. 2 scrawny little monkeys had been chained up outside of the circus tent for a couple of days as advertisement for the circus. They were cute, but of course I felt sorry for them.
There are tons of guns in Guatemala and lots of problems with alcoholism. Everyday in Monterrico, you could spot several men carrying a guns in holsters on their hips and it was never uncommon to see a man passed out along the sidewalk with his buddies just sitting around him.
At one bar we liked to frequent, one night the bartender/owner's nephew was walking around with a laptop back slung across his chest all night. He was mixing drinks and serving beers and changing the music on his laptop which was blaring full blast. Finally, I asked him what was with the bag. He keeps his gun in there. Interesting. He hadn't carried a gun around the last few times we were in there. He explained that he didn't have any staff there that night, that he was alone, and that it was just a safety precaution...as if it were perfectly normal.
I really had a great time in Monterrico...got eaten alive by mosquitoes, but I managed to decrease my whiteness a bit so I'm not quite so blinding.
I'm looking forward to relaxing in San Pedro for several days with my friends and then I will be heading to Tikal.
I'll try to send more pictures soon.
Merry Christmas!
Hey Mo! So great to hear from you and glad you are having a fun time with friends! Sounds like you are on vacation now - finally!! I wish I could have a beer with you poolside. I need to pull up a map so I can see all these places you are going.
Braden arrived today from California to stay with us for a few days. John and Tish are here too. Tonight we went to see this house that was the most super duper lit up I have ever seen. They had amazing scenes in each of their windows....it was only one house, but it made me think of Ski Island in Oklahoma City...do you remember that place that dad used to take us to look at lights?
I did all my Christmas shopping this past week. I missed buying clothes for you! Maybe I will have something for you when you get back. The best thing I got was for Ridge....its called a "Strider Bike" and its basically a bike with no pedals that you sit on and run like Fred Flintstone. I think he will love it.
I'm taking this week off. Not sure what we are doing each day. Wednesday we are going to Chelsea's for a christmas eve dinner with Mom and Duane too. Then christmas day, Mom is going to come up to our house. We might go skiing with Braden the day after Christmas. Last night we had a neighborhood night out for dinner....no kids....it was really fun. It was 7 of our favorite couples from the neighborhood and we just laughed and ate and ate and ate.
Well, I better leave room for someone else! I love you and hope you have a great Christmas!!
Merry Christmas Mo!! Stay safe.
Aunt Diane
I think you should put the Monkey's in your purse!! I love you Mo!
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